Strategy, is a plan of action to achieve a particular goal.
Strategic thinking is a mindset and a set of tool and tehniques, use to accomplish a well defined goal.
What is strategic thinking ?
Focus thinking, Creative thinking, Realistic thinking, Posibillity thinking, Reflective thinking, Popular thinking and shared thinking.
Why to thinking strategic ? You shall :
Save time and efford,
Make the most of limited resources,
Enhance changes of succes,
Get people on board, and
Increase job satisfaction.
Benefits of strategic thinking :
Prepare to day for an uncertain tomorrow,
Reduce the margin of error, and
Give influence with other.
The Four choice of thinking :
Improve, Replicate, Evolve and Reinvent.
In the Busines Strategy, to think :
How to win the competition,
Profit derived action, and
Mostly offensive.
In the Military strategy, to think
How to win the war ( Kill the enemy coptured/ occupy the target,
Nationality or Ideology derived action, and mostly deffensive.
Step of Strategic thinking :
Identify you goal,
Identify your opportunity,
Identify your resources , and
Set a plan of action through priority.
As the Strategic Thinker, must :
Has a clear sense of desired outcomes before acting,
Scope outward to capture the large context to see how the pieces fit together,
Is adaptive to realisties and flexible in choise future focus.
Plan a couple of step ahead
anticipates oppenent's action
Tries to capitalize on crises or change ( turn them to be an dvantage)
Stay future focused
Picck battle that can be won and avoids these that cannot be won.
Thinker is not born, but reach by
Learn by practices, practice and practice,
Think holistically,
Think with intent,
Think in time,
Think scientifically.
thanks for Mr.M .Hutabarat.Ph.D