Secret of success

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Write own E book in 7 days

I've had great success with ebooks -- they've changed my career, my bank account and, in general, my life!
Doing my first two would have been 10 times easier with Joe and Jim's step-by-step information, and I would have made even more money with this information as well. If you're planning to write your first -- or your next -- ebook, trust me -- this is the information you've been waiting for!"

Learn the tips, tricks and secrets directly from some of the most successful e-authors online today!
• Go inside the minds of the most successful ebook authors today to learn their secrets.
• Discover what they learned about making money quick off a thin and easy to write ebook.
• These are people just like you... who jumped in, wrote a book, and are making money passively day and night.
• Through in-depth interviews they reveal their secrets to YOU...

o Marketing secrets - how to explode ebook sales virtually overnight!
o How they write and manage their time with schedules so hectic you'd wonder how they have time to get anything done... let alone author a book!
o What works and what doesn't in the "real world" online publishing.

Here's the bottom line on this incredible resource...
"How to Write and Publish your own eBook in as little as 7 Days" will guide you step-by-step to:
• Identify a Target Market with laser-beam focus
• Create an ebook idea that will sell
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If you respond immediately, you'll also receive the following:

FREE Bonus REPORT: Guerrilla Marketer Jay Conrad Levinson explains 5 highly effective online marketing methods that don't cost ANY money! This is an *extended* interview you will not find anywhere else.
*Jay charges $100's of dollars for his time and this report is easily valued at $250!
FREE Bonus REPORT: Interview with Joe Vitale - In this 24 page interview Joe spills his guts by detailing his success with his latest success, "Spiritual Marketing". This is the same interview Joe sells on his website... so you know it's worth getting just by itself.

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*This amazing ebook sells all over the web for $19 - but you get it FREE just for giving us a risk-free try!

More Information Click Here!

Green DIY Energy

...You can build your own Solar Panels, saving $1,000’s off of retail price.
...Almost anyone can do this, even if you have no solar experience.
...There is a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how to build your own solar panel system.

Why pay thousands of dollars for solar energy ($27,000 average cost) when you can build your own solar panel system for just a fraction of the retail cost? You can build a single solar panel, or you can build an entire array of panels.
When you “Do It Yourself”, you can cut your costs to a fraction of what “retail” would normally cost. It’s a fun project, and with this step-by-step guide, you can quickly and easily start producing your own electricity.

How much money can you save?
For too many years your only option was to buy retail solar panels at $1,125. With installation, that could Total Over $27,000 for your entire house!*

*2007 Installed Costs from ($7.50/watt)

Now, with the help of this detailed “DIY Solar Panel” guide you can join the revolution of Do-It-Yourselfers who have figured out how to cheaply create their own solar power.

This DIY Guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of constructing 60- to 120- watt Solar Panels for under $200. You can easily do it for less than $100 if you do a little extra work in collecting materials.

In fact, You Could Actually Build One For Less Than $27 if you took the time to rebuild and connect “broken solar cells” together (which isn’t that hard to do).
Before you start...

Before you try to build your own solar power, you need to have the right tools. You need to have the step-by-step process that I explain in this guide. I made it a personal mission to create the best solar panel guide available. I searched the Internet for months looking for the best ideas and designs for building solar panels.

I have put all of these ideas into one simple and easy-to-follow solar panel guide. With the fully illustrated process even the Non-Do-It-Yourselfer can quickly learn how to create solar energy at home.
What if I’m not the “Handyman Type”?

No problem, everything is broken down into Easy to Follow Step-by-Step Instructions. I’ve been told by numerous people that the guide was able to take even the most difficult solar panel construction methods and distill them down to simple and easy steps that even complete beginners can easily follow.

And don’t worry if you don’t consider yourself “technically inclined,” this guide will show you how to do it step by step. And we won’t leave you alone! There is a list of resources and support to help you with your project all the way until it is completed.

“Is this a joke?”
No, this is the real deal!
Once you open this detailed DIY Guide you will see exactly how to build your own solar energy for less than $200.

Step-by-step pictures, diagrams and schematics show you how everything is done. There is even a Video Library so you can see real solar panels being created.

You’ll learn where to find the cheapest (or sometimes free) materials needed for your project. Through years of trial and error we have mastered the art of buying cheap solar parts so you can save money from your very first solar panel. You might double the cost of your solar panel without these money saving resources and buying lists and more than pay for the cost of the guide we are offering. We have several groups of high school and college students working on DIY Solar Panels right now. And hey, if they can do it, then you can do it!

More Information Click Here!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Fat Burning Furnace

Fat Burning Furnace

How we used this 1 sneaky technique to trick our bodies to burn more fat by eating more of these delicious fat burning foods that also satisfy your cravings...
How this unique, simple and quick NEW way of moving skyrocketed our energy, fat loss and fitness. Hint: it's the exact opposite of boring cardio, but with no cardio at all...
My 1 "weird" old trick of a tiny belly, and how this trimmed our stomachs much faster than boring and painful 'abs' exercises...
How this tasty little dish we ate late at night actually boosted the most powerful fat loss hormone in our bodies while we slept the night away...
How we accessed this old motivation trick for a leaner, healthier body so powerful, it's been passed down for decades & used by some of the hottest celebrities still today...

Diets That Work? Forget It!...
You WON'T lose weight fast and keep it off by just eating low carb diets, low fat diets, or low calorie diets. The truth is, fast weight loss that lasts comes down to a diet that works, but that is right for you. You're going to discover an easy way to trick your body into burning more calories by eating more with these delicious and healthy fat burning foods that satisfy your cravings...
Cardio Doesn't Work...
Those long and frequent cardio or aerobic workouts from quick weight loss programs are the WORST WAY to burn fat. You're going to see how to almost triple your fat loss and fitness results by exercising in the complete OPPOSITE manner with these tips for just 45 minutes a WEEK...with no cardio at all!
You Can't Lose Belly Fat With Crunches & Sit-ups...
1000's of crunches, sit ups, or those crappy infomercial abs gizmos WILL NOT allow you to lose belly fat or give you a flatter stomach and certainly not six pack abs. You're going to learn how to lose stomach fat 5 times faster with these full body exercises that don't actually target your abs at all...
Your Question, Click Here!

Earth 4 Energy

Earth 4 Energy

If you are interested in learning exactly how to generate power and reduce your bill then this is the perfect resource for you! With the ever increasing costs of living, there is no better time than right now to stop throwing money out the window and start generating our own electricity.
Over the last few years I have figured out how to significantly reduce the cost of solar panels making it more affordable for the average home owner just like you.

Now you can build a single panel or a complete array of panels to power your home for a fraction of retail cost.
I'm going to be your "solar mentor" and show you step-by-step how to make a solar panel. I'll also teach you my other secrets to renewable energy in an easy to follow format.

Did you know? A basic solar installation from a retailer can take 30 years to pay back and cost you well over $20,000?

This is simply too much for many to afford and the pay back time is far too long. This prompted me to do some research into how the solar panels are created and how I could make them myself.
I soon realized it was possible to make solar panels for MUCH cheaper than retail price, saving me thousands. Moreover, it was actually easier than I thought!

That's when I decided to develop this guide with my close friend Mark (A solar nut!).

Keep reading to see what Mark and I have put together for you.

his will help you build your own solar panel. You will learn how to make a solar panel that produces up to 120 watts. Moreover, you can then join these panels together to produce over 1KW of power.

Another thing to think about: After you install the solar panels on your home the value of your home will increase by thousands.

You don't need to be a builder, anybody can make solar panels. It's really quite easy to make solar panels once you know a few industry secrets. Plus, our guide is broken down into an easy to follow format that will walk you through step-by-step.

We will provide you with plenty of pictures and diagrams for you to look at but if you still need help, just email us! We are more than happy to answer any questions you have.

After we created our solar panel guide we wanted to know if it was easy enough for the "Average joe" to follow.
We found 43 people (male and female) who were interested in solar but knew nothing about making panels, we gave them our guide and came back in a month to see what they have built.

Before you get started on your solar energy project you need to make sure you have the right tools. More importantly, you need to make sure you have the correct step-by-step instructions.

I say this because when I first started searching online for a detailed guide I found out that many of them were incomplete and some of the diagrams were actually wrong!

It's very important that you follow clear, correct instructions and that's exactly what this guide has.
Some people find it hard to believe you can make quality solar panels for less than $200. Well, we have proven it's definitely possible. There are now people from all parts of the world making their own solar panels and saving thousands off retail cost! It really does make sense to build your own solar panels, especially when it's this affordable and easy.

For more Information, Click Here!

Wedding cost saving tips


Flower prices are very expensive, use of flowers at the wedding is extravagant.   place a single stalk of rose in a bud vase for each table with a variety of shades of color and you  will save up to 35% of the cost of decoration at the wedding event.

In the event, wedding reception, wedding is the center of attention in addition to his own wedding of course. The beauty of the aisle will look beautiful when adorned with flowers. However, when in flower prices are very expensive, so the desire by a wide aisle flowers adorn a distant memory. But no need to despair because after consideration and from observations of how extravagant to use of flowers at the wedding, can be implemented important measures to save on financing for weddings.

Flowers are not things that become obligatory for any wedding reception, but can only use other creations that may be more attractive, despite the appearance of flowers, can take advantage of imitation creations are no less beautiful than the original. If forced to use the flowers on the tables of guests as a garnish, place a single stalk of rose in a bud vase for each table with a variety of shades of color for the use of candles add to the beauty that is placed in the chamber is varied. The utilization rate is only at a very important, Buket bleak, and in Indonesia generally to girdle the groom, father and several main family  members.
Preparation of wedding became the main focus, with an adjustment between the bride dress, flower decoration and use of lighting rays, so the photographers who took pictures will get the best results. Take advantage of beautiful ornamental tree for around the aisle, or around the altar stairs, set to match the room and ornaments on the altar.
If there is a desire to set their own decorations, ornamental tree,  choice hire option than buying. Plants that are rented varied, starting small, medium or large enough, adjust as needed decorating.

By applying the plan to reduce rates to decorate the reception, will save up to 25% of the cost of decoration in the development of reception. Good luck hopefully useful.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Auto Traffic Monopoli

Auto Traffic Monopoli

• 9 Guides Total: 4 Full Level 1-60 Guides, 5 Level 80-85 Guides
• 40 Zones Covered, 12 More Than Competing Guides
• Goblin and Worgen Starter Guides Included
• In-Game Talent Build Advisor For All Skill Trees
• Works With Heirlooms, Recruit-A-Friend, and Pre-Leveled Characters
• Built In Waypoint Arrow, No TomTom Or Other Addons Needed
• Earn Your Loremaster Title With A Massive 45 Total New Cataclysm Zones
Everything you know about World of Warcraft has forever changed. The entire 1-60 portion of the game has been redesigned from the ground up and we have rewritten our entire guide from scratch for Patch 4.0.3a.
But we didn't stop there. Since you can now level to 60 entirely on Kalimdor OR Eastern Kingdoms, we now offer a guide for each continent. Our competitors only offer a single guide for Eastern Kingdoms alone. They have done the bare minimium amount of work and have left out half of the game. That's half of the storyline!
Zygor Guides is the only company in the world who offers four, count em', four full 1-60 guides for Horde and Alliance. Combined with our 5 level 80-85 guides, that's 9 guides total. So this is it. You are just a click away from aquiring the only tool that can unlock the full Cataclysm World of Warcraft leveling experience.

Just the opportunity to get this software working to make you 24/7 profits.
Don’t convince yourself that online success is impossible... that’s what the gurus want you to think so you can keep them on their gravy train of half-truths and rehashes.
It can be done, it has been proven and the best part is… ANYONE can do it.
It’s just a question of taking your chance, right now, for just $37 and with a completely risk-free guarantee backing you up... you have nothing to lose...
And I can’t wait to hear about how much you win!

More Information, Click Here!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Ultimate Bowling Guide

The Ultimate Bowling Guide

Just the other day.. a fellow from the Midwest sent me an email. He said, "Eric, can you tell me how to improve my bowling game? Every time I go out with my buddies, I seem to come in last. Is there anything an average player like me can do?"The good news is, there are a few simple "tweaks" any bowler can use to instantly tack on 20, 30, even 50 or more points a game. And it doesn't take that much effort.
Get this...
There are five "dirty little secrets" among professional bowlers... secrets that no amateur ever learns on their own... and the pro's like it that way.
These five "dirty little secrets" are extremely simple to master (once they are revealed to you)... and yet they INSTANTLY allow you (no matter how butt ugly you think your game is right now) to "lock into" your own personal "Perfect Shot". Which means on your very next game, you will:
  • Add 25 to 45+ pins to your game...
  • Convert the toughest spares and "unmakable" splits into a one-two punch of sure-shot winners...
  • Turn lane conditions into pure, accurate pin action (giving you a dozen new strike opportunities)... and...
  • Put you instantly inside the same "Bagger Zone" the best pro's use, to play the most stable, stress-free and deadly accurate game you are humanly capable of!
The best part is, all you need to do is make a few simple adjustments (which I'll tell you about in a moment) and to know what these five "dirty little secrets" to incredible bowling are.How can this be? How can you not transform your game... and suddenly -- and I do mean SUDDENLY -- start playing like the top pro's at their peak?

For your Question Click Here!

The Simple Golf Swing System™

The Simple Golf Swing System™

Get better. Fast.

How much better? With the Simple Golf Swing System
  • You'll hit the ball straighter and further than you ever hit before.
  • You'll hit with greater distance and accuracy every time.
  • You'll hit more greens and get the ball consistently close to the pin.
  • You'll wonder what ever happened to that awful slice you used to have.
  • You'll gain a new outlook on golf with greater confidence in your game. Because you're armed with a proven system that actually works!
How fast? I'm glad you asked.
  • You'll learn the Simple Golf Swing in just three hours.
  • You'll lower your score by at least seven strokes within the first two rounds.
  • You'll start playing the best golf of your life by week two.
  • You'll drop at least 12 strokes off your handicap at the end of two weeks.
  • You'll be a different golfer in a month. That old bogey plus golfer that was you will be totally transformed. Just imagine the look on the faces of your golfing buddies.
I guess you'd say I've gotten pretty good at both golf and writing about it. I shoot in the low 70's easily every time out. And several thousand people have bought and read my books.

I've had the opportunity to watch a lot of top pros close up and to talk to them about the game. It was enough to convince me these guys have so much natural ability that it would be almost impossible for the average golfer to duplicate their techniques.

I've also found the same thing to be true with most teaching pros.

It seems they either try to impose their techniques on their students (who lack their ability) or else they recognize this lack of ability and dumb down lessons.

In other words, they don't even try to teach the difficult stuff because the don't think their students can ever learn it.

Now, please don't get me wrong. I've got nothing against teaching pros.

But I have seen a lot of golfers struggling because of the kind of instruction available to them. And I decided to do something about it.

The result: The Simple Golf Swing System. I put it all in one system that breaks it down into five simple steps every golfer can master in practically no time at all. And practically painlessly. (That "no pain, no gain" stuff has no place in my System.)

What makes the System work so well is that you don't have to master all of it all at once. You get one part down and move on to the next. And in a much shorter time than you'd imagine.

For  more  Detail Click Here!

Transform Your Body (Forever) In 49 Days Flat!

Success Story

"I Lost 137 Pounds! It Changed My Entire Life!"

"I used Tom's BURN THE FAT program to lose 137 pounds, but it also changed my entire life and the life of my family. BURN THE FAT has also helped me achieve emotional, physical and financial goals I never thought possible.

I believe that your success can be traced back to something as simple as desire. Answer one simple question - 'How Bad Do You Want It?' If you want it bad, the battle is on and you can win like I did, you just have to keep that desire fueled."
- Mike Ogorek -

"My Goal Was To Be a "Hot Mom At 40," And I've Achieved It. I lost 23 Kg's and 12.5% Body Fat!"

"I'm a 40 year old mom with 3 children, ages 11, 6 and 4. Before, I was 85 kg and 36.5% body fat, size 40. I was fat, miserable, and my family life and relationship were suffering. I wasn't able to do anything with my kids, I was tired and constantly irritated.

My husband knew someone who did the Burn The Fat programme and it changed his life, so I decided to do it too. I lost 15 kg in 8 months and kept it off. In the next 3 months, because of my desire to be "hot at 40," I took it to a new level. Tom taught me how and I lost another 8 kgs and competed in my first figure/bikini competition." Bonnie VanNiekerk

Your Question   Click Here!

Persiapan Resepsi Pernikahan

Pernikahan merupakan suatu ritual yang sangat penting dalam hidup seseorang. Pada saat itulah semua daya dikerahkan untuk menghormati saat terpenting dalam hidup sehingga menjadi puncak dari kebahagiaan pengantin.
Dalam menyiapkan acara resepsi pernikahan, para calon pengantin , apalagi bagi mereka yang berdomisili di kota besar, sangat sulit menge lola waktu karena sebagian besar dari mereka bekerja dibidang masing-masing. Ada 2 opsi pilihan dalam persiapan pernikahan, yang pertama menyiapkan acara resepsi oleh keluarga sendiri atau menggunakan jasa yang melayani acara pernikahan. Dalam tulisan ini difokuskan pada persiapan pernikahan pada pilihan menggunakan jasa yang melayani acara pernikahan. 

Apabila keputusan sudah diambil akan menggunakan jasa orang lain, masih terdapat dua pilihan yang perlu dipertimbangkan, tentunya dalam hal ini dipengaruhi oleh kemampuan keuangan masing-masing pasangan calon pengantin.

Opsi pertama memanfaatkan jasa Paket pernikahan. Paket ini dinilai lebih praktis, karena semua kebutuhan dalam acara pernikahan sudah diatur dan dikelola oleh sebuah perusahaan penyedia jasa, mulai paket katering, gedung dan perangkatnya, dekorasi, tetapi tidak menjangkau sampai persiapan undangan, pakaian pengantin dan acara diluar resepsi, hanya terbatas pada acara resepsi. Selain itu bila memilih opsi ini, maka paket sudah baku, tidak dapat menentukan /memilih menu makanan, atau dekorasi yang sesuai keinginan secara optimal, kalaupun menginginkan perubahan, akan menambah biaya , karena pihak penyedia jasa akan meminta tambahan yang lebih mahal. Namun dengan keterbatasan biaya, banyak pasangan pengantin lebih memilih opsi ini, karena dianggap lebih prakstis dan ekonomis.

Opsi kedua, menggunakan tenaga Wedding organizer, sebuah perusahaan yang dapat mengatur semua kegiatan pernikahan mulai dari semenjak persiapan , pelaksanaan dan pengakhiran. Opsi seperti ini cenderung dipilih oleh orang yang mampu menyediakan biaya besar atau dapat dikatakan tidak mempertimbangkan dana, demi keberhasilan yang optimal. Pada opsi ini calon pengantin dapat memilih semua kebutuhan dan Wedding organizer yang mewujudkan. Semua pilihan yang diajukan oleh calon mempelai dicatat, menghubungi semua penyedia jasa pelayanan pernikahan dan menyusunnya dalam sebuah proposal untuk disetujui oleh calon pengantin. 

Kelebihan lain dari opsi ini karena semua kegiatan dikendalikan oleh penyedia jasa, mulai dari semua konsep acara, penyediaan undangan, pemilihan pakaian pengantin, sehingga semua rangkaian acara , secara keseluruhan dikelola oleh penyedia jasa. Opsi ini akan menghilangkan kekhawatiran akan adanya kekuarngan dalam setiap acara yang dilaksanakan, karena semua sudah dipersiapkan oleh tenaga profesional dibidangnya. Kelemahannya, anda perlu menjadi orang kaya dan banyak uang agar semua biaya dapat anda sediakan.

Tips menghemat biaya Dekorasi pada resepsi pernikahan

Dalam acara resepsi pernikahan, pelaminan merupakan pusat perhatian selain pengantinnya sendiri tentunya. Keindahan pelaminan akan terlihat indah bila dihiasi dengan bunga. Akan tetapi saat ini harga bunga sangat mahal, sehingga keinginan menghiasi pelaminan dengan beraneka bunga tinggal kenangan. Namun tidak perlu menjadi putus asa karena setelah dipertimbangkan dan dari pengamatan betapa borosnya penggunaan bunga pada acara pernikahan, dapat diterapkan langkah penting agar dapat menghemat pembiayaan acara pernikahan.

Bunga bukan hal yang menjadi kewajiban bagi setiap resepsi pernikahan, tetapi dapat saja menggunakan kreasi lain yang mungkin lebih menarik, meskipun ada tampilan bunga, dapat memanfaatkan kreasi imitasi yang tidak kalah indah dengan aslinya. Bila terpaksa menggunakan bunga di meja-meja tamu sebagai hiasan, letakkan satu tangkai kuncup mawar dalam vas bunga untuk setiap meja dengan variasi penggunaan lilin bernuansa warna untuk menambah keindahan yang diletakkan dalam ruang secara bervariasi. Pemanfaatan bunga hanya pada yang sangat penting, seperti Buket, dan di Indonesia biasanya untuk korset pengantin pria, ayah dan beberapa anggota keluarga utama.

Penyiapan pelaminan menjadi focus utama, dengan penyesuaian antara pakaian pengantin, bunga hiasan dan penggunaan sinar pencahayan, agar para photografer yang mengambil gambar akan memperoleh hasil yang terbaik. Manfaatkan pohon hias yang indah untuk disekitar pelaminan, atau disekitar tangga pelaminan, atur agar sesuai dengan ruangan dan ornamen pada pelaminan.

Bila ada keinginan mengatur dekorasi sendiri, pillihlah opsi menyewa pohon hias daripada membeli. Tanaman yang disewakan bervariasi, mulai yang kecil, sedang atau cukup besar, sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dekorasi.

Dengan menerapkan perencanaan mengurangi bunga untuk hiasan acara resepsi, akan menghemat sampai 30 % biaya dekorasi dalam resepsi. Selamat mencoba semoga bermanfaat.


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