Friday, December 31, 2010
1000 cara menghasilkan uang
Jika Anda pengusaha ... atau Anda ingin menjadi ... Anda mungkin menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk memikirkan ide-ide baru untuk bagaimana membuat uang, bukan ? Secara pribadi, saya melakukannya setiap saat!
Tidak ada yang salah dengan itu. Setelah semua, jika Anda serius bagaimana menemukan cara untuk membuat uang, itu wajib!
Tapi ada satu masalah: Ide- satu satunya yang bisa saya hadirkan, namun demikian tetap dibatasi oleh pengalaman pribadi saya dan imajinasi. Dengan kata lain, otak Anda hanya bisa menghasilkan uang melalui pembuatan ide-ide yang berdasarkan pada konsep yang sudah anda ketahui.
Tentu saja mungkin untuk mendapatkan kecepatan wawasan dan menciptakan sesuatu yang sama sekali baru dan segar, tapi itu tidak terlalu diandalkan ... atau efisien. Itu sebabnya saya ingin mendapatkan akses ke ide eksternal sebanyak mungkin, dan menggunakan kekuatan otak orang lain!
Karena dalam alam semesta yang luas, masih banyak peluang usaha yang belum dimanfaatkan dan kemungkinan belum dijelajahi, maka beberapa ide tentang bagaimana membuat uang, akan dipikirkan oleh setiap orang. Namun pemikiran sendiri belum tentu menghasilkan ide yang efektif. Muungkin lebih mudah bila memanfaatkan pemikir
Jadi Berikut ini adalah Solusi Itu Bekerja!
Salah satu manfaat menjadi seorang pengusaha selama 18 tahun adalah bahwa Anda membuat banyak kontak dalam komunitas kewirausahaan. Dan saya memiliki nasib baik mengetahui beberapa pengusaha atas ... dalam semua bidang keahlian ... seluruh orang lain yang sudah melalui pengalaman dan berhasil.
Jadi, inilah yang saya lakukan:
Alih-alih mencoba untuk menemukan cara untuk membuat uang sendiri, saya menghabiskan satu tahun bertanya kepada setiap orang tentang ide yang dimiliki ...
"Semua orang memiliki satu ide yang menghasilkan uang besar. Jadi apa yang anda miliki.?"
Banjir ide luar biasa. Beberapa hal yang saya sudah tahu, tetapi banyak ide yang dikirim, ternyata tidak masuk akal, jadi saya memilahkan semua pemikiran yang masuk akal tentang bagaimana menghasilkan uang.
Saya memilih 1.000 dari ide-ide yang terbaik dan paling menarik tentang bagaimana membuat uang dan mengirimkannya ke beberapa teman. Berikut ini apa yang mereka katakan ...
"Buku ini merupakan karya seni!"
Ide –ide yang sangat menarik, anda dapat menentukan pilihan yang paling cocok dengan kehidupan dan lingkungan anda. Manfaatkan ide yang saya berikan ini untuk anda miliki.
Informasi lebih lanjut Click Here!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Work at Home
I really do pull in the sums of money that I just mentioned... and in just a moment, I'm going to show you exactly how this is done...
I'm going to share with you the very same system that I use to make money every day and I'm even going to give you the chance to TRY OUT my system - that's how confident I am that this works not just for me, but for a select few that I have already shown this too as well...
And before I start, let me explain that this is VERY DIFFERENT from what you might be thinking this is, or what you might have seen in the past.
This is NOT Online Auctions... NOT investing... NOT the stock market... NOT online gambling... NOT Multi Level Marketing... and certainly NOT a "get rich quick scheme". This is perfectly legal and ethical and I guarantee that you'll not even have considered, let alone heard of, at least 90% of what I'm about to tell you…
So, let me prove to you how real this is. Not for my ego, not to boast or show off, but to PROVE to you that the numbers are real, I am real, I live the life that most only dream of and, more importantly, anyone can do this...
In fact, I started my little business from my spare room, using an old PC and an old desk. Yet, I've become successful in a very short space of time using my own systems and some simple methods that I'd like to show you... I know what it takes to start from nothing... with nothing... and make a success of your life...
I think you get the idea...
And just in case you were thinking this is just turnover and I must be spending thousands in advertising or other business expenses, this is not the case...
I pay myself thousands every month and sometimes 5 and even 6 figures in a single month!
And in just the last 6 months alone I have bought 10 properties in the US - outright for cash - an investment that will pay me in the short-term and also the long-term...
And if you're still not sure about me then I'm happy for you to check me out here - at my blog - you'll see PROOF that I live the lifestyle, drive the cars and, more importantly
And before you get too excited about these numbers and the testimonials above I want to explain that each of the people above qualified to work and get trained and mentored by me.
They all took action from the Trial Home Study Course and in some cases even paid me over $10,000 for personal training...
Which is why I want you to take this very seriously indeed. Like I've already said, anyone can do this - they really can!
And this is the part that will get you very excited, because I'm going to give you the chance to test out my systems... so that you can decide if this is really and truly something that you want to do. I think it's fair right? Let's not waste each others time here... I certainly don't expect you to shell out $50, $60 or even $70 to find out what I'm on about here.
No, I'm so confident in what I have and what I do... I'm going to give you a Trial - a test drive if you like - so that you can make your mind up for yourself...
And the reason that I want to do this is because I want to show you that there are ordinary people, just like me and you, making extraordinary amounts of money - every single day, every week, or even when they choose to, from this very same system and business!
They truly have the lifestyle they choose to live, much like I do... and like you could have too...
work at home
Easy Retired Millionaire
Almost everyone trying to get rich quick on the Internet never make a single dollar online, and they never will. They are penniless, often in debt, and will die that way... while a select few earn hundreds of thousands a month.
Have you heard the saying "1% of the world's population controls 99% of its wealth?" It's just as true online. Each and every day these poor suckers buy the same worthless techniques that either don't work now, or never worked in the first place. Think about it
Have you dared to dream of making $640,000 a year doing what YOU want to do? Don't you finally want to gain an edge over the competition so you can quit your job and make your dreams come true? What most people fail to understand is this: there are thousands of ways to do it wrong, and only a few ways to do it right. If you miss just one critical step along the way you're in for a very unpleasant surprise.
Because... by missing just one critical step... you've failed completely. So if you're like most people - sick and tired of buying programs that don't work, wasting valuable time and money, and becoming frustrated with being sold lies - it's time for your revenge.
The truth is, this life can be yours. It's always been there, waiting for you to grab it. But it's been hidden from you, and if it wasn't for my desire to blow the lid off these sensational money making secrets, they would remain hidden from you forever. I almost gave up years ago... but through sheer willpower I stuck with it, stayed the course and discovered the 'magic bullet' to making obscene amounts of money. Now I'm handing you the same revolutionary methods to ensure you the success of a lifetime.
If you want the opportunity to get inside the mind of a multimillionaire and access $13,000,000 worth of experience, continue reading.
· You DON'T need a lot of time
· You DON'T need a lot of money
· You DON'T need any experience
· You DON'T need a website
· You DON'T need to learn HTML
· You DON'T have to learn the hard way
· You DON'T have to worry about losing money
· You DON'T need any special skills
· You DON'T need your own product (though you can if you wish)
· You DON'T need to write more than a paragraph
work at home
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