Friday, December 31, 2010
1000 cara menghasilkan uang
Jika Anda pengusaha ... atau Anda ingin menjadi ... Anda mungkin menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk memikirkan ide-ide baru untuk bagaimana membuat uang, bukan ? Secara pribadi, saya melakukannya setiap saat!
Tidak ada yang salah dengan itu. Setelah semua, jika Anda serius bagaimana menemukan cara untuk membuat uang, itu wajib!
Tapi ada satu masalah: Ide- satu satunya yang bisa saya hadirkan, namun demikian tetap dibatasi oleh pengalaman pribadi saya dan imajinasi. Dengan kata lain, otak Anda hanya bisa menghasilkan uang melalui pembuatan ide-ide yang berdasarkan pada konsep yang sudah anda ketahui.
Tentu saja mungkin untuk mendapatkan kecepatan wawasan dan menciptakan sesuatu yang sama sekali baru dan segar, tapi itu tidak terlalu diandalkan ... atau efisien. Itu sebabnya saya ingin mendapatkan akses ke ide eksternal sebanyak mungkin, dan menggunakan kekuatan otak orang lain!
Karena dalam alam semesta yang luas, masih banyak peluang usaha yang belum dimanfaatkan dan kemungkinan belum dijelajahi, maka beberapa ide tentang bagaimana membuat uang, akan dipikirkan oleh setiap orang. Namun pemikiran sendiri belum tentu menghasilkan ide yang efektif. Muungkin lebih mudah bila memanfaatkan pemikir
Jadi Berikut ini adalah Solusi Itu Bekerja!
Salah satu manfaat menjadi seorang pengusaha selama 18 tahun adalah bahwa Anda membuat banyak kontak dalam komunitas kewirausahaan. Dan saya memiliki nasib baik mengetahui beberapa pengusaha atas ... dalam semua bidang keahlian ... seluruh orang lain yang sudah melalui pengalaman dan berhasil.
Jadi, inilah yang saya lakukan:
Alih-alih mencoba untuk menemukan cara untuk membuat uang sendiri, saya menghabiskan satu tahun bertanya kepada setiap orang tentang ide yang dimiliki ...
"Semua orang memiliki satu ide yang menghasilkan uang besar. Jadi apa yang anda miliki.?"
Banjir ide luar biasa. Beberapa hal yang saya sudah tahu, tetapi banyak ide yang dikirim, ternyata tidak masuk akal, jadi saya memilahkan semua pemikiran yang masuk akal tentang bagaimana menghasilkan uang.
Saya memilih 1.000 dari ide-ide yang terbaik dan paling menarik tentang bagaimana membuat uang dan mengirimkannya ke beberapa teman. Berikut ini apa yang mereka katakan ...
"Buku ini merupakan karya seni!"
Ide –ide yang sangat menarik, anda dapat menentukan pilihan yang paling cocok dengan kehidupan dan lingkungan anda. Manfaatkan ide yang saya berikan ini untuk anda miliki.
Informasi lebih lanjut Click Here!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Work at Home
I really do pull in the sums of money that I just mentioned... and in just a moment, I'm going to show you exactly how this is done...
I'm going to share with you the very same system that I use to make money every day and I'm even going to give you the chance to TRY OUT my system - that's how confident I am that this works not just for me, but for a select few that I have already shown this too as well...
And before I start, let me explain that this is VERY DIFFERENT from what you might be thinking this is, or what you might have seen in the past.
This is NOT Online Auctions... NOT investing... NOT the stock market... NOT online gambling... NOT Multi Level Marketing... and certainly NOT a "get rich quick scheme". This is perfectly legal and ethical and I guarantee that you'll not even have considered, let alone heard of, at least 90% of what I'm about to tell you…
So, let me prove to you how real this is. Not for my ego, not to boast or show off, but to PROVE to you that the numbers are real, I am real, I live the life that most only dream of and, more importantly, anyone can do this...
In fact, I started my little business from my spare room, using an old PC and an old desk. Yet, I've become successful in a very short space of time using my own systems and some simple methods that I'd like to show you... I know what it takes to start from nothing... with nothing... and make a success of your life...
I think you get the idea...
And just in case you were thinking this is just turnover and I must be spending thousands in advertising or other business expenses, this is not the case...
I pay myself thousands every month and sometimes 5 and even 6 figures in a single month!
And in just the last 6 months alone I have bought 10 properties in the US - outright for cash - an investment that will pay me in the short-term and also the long-term...
And if you're still not sure about me then I'm happy for you to check me out here - at my blog - you'll see PROOF that I live the lifestyle, drive the cars and, more importantly
And before you get too excited about these numbers and the testimonials above I want to explain that each of the people above qualified to work and get trained and mentored by me.
They all took action from the Trial Home Study Course and in some cases even paid me over $10,000 for personal training...
Which is why I want you to take this very seriously indeed. Like I've already said, anyone can do this - they really can!
And this is the part that will get you very excited, because I'm going to give you the chance to test out my systems... so that you can decide if this is really and truly something that you want to do. I think it's fair right? Let's not waste each others time here... I certainly don't expect you to shell out $50, $60 or even $70 to find out what I'm on about here.
No, I'm so confident in what I have and what I do... I'm going to give you a Trial - a test drive if you like - so that you can make your mind up for yourself...
And the reason that I want to do this is because I want to show you that there are ordinary people, just like me and you, making extraordinary amounts of money - every single day, every week, or even when they choose to, from this very same system and business!
They truly have the lifestyle they choose to live, much like I do... and like you could have too...
work at home
Easy Retired Millionaire
Almost everyone trying to get rich quick on the Internet never make a single dollar online, and they never will. They are penniless, often in debt, and will die that way... while a select few earn hundreds of thousands a month.
Have you heard the saying "1% of the world's population controls 99% of its wealth?" It's just as true online. Each and every day these poor suckers buy the same worthless techniques that either don't work now, or never worked in the first place. Think about it
Have you dared to dream of making $640,000 a year doing what YOU want to do? Don't you finally want to gain an edge over the competition so you can quit your job and make your dreams come true? What most people fail to understand is this: there are thousands of ways to do it wrong, and only a few ways to do it right. If you miss just one critical step along the way you're in for a very unpleasant surprise.
Because... by missing just one critical step... you've failed completely. So if you're like most people - sick and tired of buying programs that don't work, wasting valuable time and money, and becoming frustrated with being sold lies - it's time for your revenge.
The truth is, this life can be yours. It's always been there, waiting for you to grab it. But it's been hidden from you, and if it wasn't for my desire to blow the lid off these sensational money making secrets, they would remain hidden from you forever. I almost gave up years ago... but through sheer willpower I stuck with it, stayed the course and discovered the 'magic bullet' to making obscene amounts of money. Now I'm handing you the same revolutionary methods to ensure you the success of a lifetime.
If you want the opportunity to get inside the mind of a multimillionaire and access $13,000,000 worth of experience, continue reading.
· You DON'T need a lot of time
· You DON'T need a lot of money
· You DON'T need any experience
· You DON'T need a website
· You DON'T need to learn HTML
· You DON'T have to learn the hard way
· You DON'T have to worry about losing money
· You DON'T need any special skills
· You DON'T need your own product (though you can if you wish)
· You DON'T need to write more than a paragraph
work at home
Thursday, December 23, 2010
YoGa Fitness, ACAGMA
Health and happiness
Happiness is in the mind, and the mind is supported by the body. Your happiness depends on your mind and it depends on your body. Without physical health you can't be completely happy, and without mental happiness you can't be completely healthy. Health is a positive state; not just the absence of a negative one. It's not only the absence of disease. For too long now traditional Western medicine has treated illness as only a disease: an enemy that attacks you and needs to be counter-attacked; but in reality it's nothing more than an imbalance in the natural harmony of body and mind. True healing means restoring that balance, and true health means keeping it.
Yoga means "to unify." It's the holistic approach to all aspects of life: physical, mental and spiritual. Yoga views the person as a whole; as a unique combination of body, mind and soul, and its techniques maintain that body-mind-soul harmony.
In the ebook Yoga Health Secrets we'll look into all the techniques for attaining and maintaining that body-mind-soul harmony for true health and happiness:
Physical health, relaxation
Stress relief
Stamina, vitality, zest for life
Clarity, concentration, memory
Motivation, willpower
Self-confidence and awareness
Creative insight
Love for all
Inner peace and happiness
health Tips
AIKICHELAI, health secrets
"If You are very Busy and Want a Healthy an
Lifestyle Down to the Simple and Practical Truths... This Is It!
There are 3 parts for you... mind, body, and spirit. When you balance these you'll have perfect health, and be able to enjoy an active, successful life.
Do you have trouble relaxing and letting go of stress?
The ability to really relax is of utmost importance in your search for health as when you are warm and relaxed you are free from stress. It then becomes much easier to concentrate, focus and achieve your goals.
"You Will Quickly Reach Your Peak Performance Levels and
Be Full of Vitality With These Amazing Health Secrets
The Optimum Health Secrets Ebook has been produced in a completely new format. An exciting exe file software designed by an ex NASA space engineer. This will greatly improve your reading and listening pleasure.
The following amazing features are included... beautiful, relaxing and inspiring music as you read, interesting pictures, automatically scroll the pages with adjustable speed, You can even change the font size and style.
Sit back and enjoy your drink, while you read and listen... Hands Free!
Please Note: The exe file software ebook is only available to windows users (not mac). When you make your purchase you will also be able to download the pdf version, that works on all computers.
Take Action Now And You'll Also Get 4 Amazing Harmony Ebook Bonuses... FREE!
health Tips
More detail, Click Here!
Are you rolling in cash? Or are you "just getting by"?
How would you like to . . .
• Pay for all your class training as you level up, without so much as a second thought
• Train up your riding skills and get all the mounts your heart desires... Flying Mounts, Choppers & Mechano-Hogs, even the exotic Traveler's Tundra Mammoths
• Power-level any crafting profession effortlessly in minutes instead of days or weeks... just buy the materials you need, when you need them
• Never again waste your valuable in-game time farming, ever again
• Treat yourself to the super-rare Pets, Costumes, Trinkets and other status symbols that most players will never get their hands on
• Reins of the Crimson Deathcharger, the Hyacinth Macaw, Razzashi Hatchling, Digusting Oozeling, Kirin Tor rings, Orb of Deception, whatever your heart desires, it's yours!
• Supply yourself, and even your whole group, with the enchants, gems, flasks and potions you need for successful raiding and instance runs... no problem
• Complete more Achievements and earn prestigious Titles, faster and easier than you ever thought possible
• Earn the respect and gratitude of friends and guild mates by giving them the Gold and items they need to get ahead
So what's holding you back?
Right now, in the Cataclysm era, it's the best time ever to make enormous piles of gold in WoW. So how come you aren't getting your fair share?
The truth is, you're almost certainly going about things the wrong way. Probably because you've been getting bad advice.
The great "wisdom" tells you that the road to Warcraft wealth and power follows a painful path.
Make your travel dreams a reality and take to the skies!
Make your travel dreams a reality and take to the skies!
A Flight Sim that offers 'Real Life Flying' with Accurate Worldwide Scenery based on Actual Military Mapping, over 20,000 of the World's Airports and 80+ Different Planes....
FlightProSimV2.2.2 is the Game Flight Fans have Been Waiting for...
With 100+ aircraft to master, from the 1903 Wright Flyer to the latest military fighter jet and you know you will be busy for months...
You get 100% Freedom, Amazing Scenery And A Sophisticated Sky Model
FlightProSim™ features highly detailed time of day modeling that places the sun, moon, stars, and planets correctly based on Real Time data from your computer clock.
Fly Different Helicopters
Real Life Helicopter Handling
Land at Your Local Airport
Why Not Fly over Your House?
World Wide Scenery
Realistic Night Lighting
Test You Skill:
• Realistic Controls
Correct Airport Runway Lighting
Taxiway Lighting
Real Life Runway Elevation
Scenery based on Actual Military Data
Real time Integration with Google Maps
Realistic 3D Cockpit views
Have you ever wanted to land on a Aircraft Carrier?
Show off your flying skills.
• Want to try Air-Air Refueling?
Fly with the help of Autopilot
Scenery Sets Included to get you started
• All from the thriving Open Source Community, this software is forever changing.
• Shared and Open Source code.
Moderate Computer Requirements your travel dreams a reality and take to the skies!
Over 20 planes to get you started + Another 100+ More FREE
• Ongoing Support
100% Free Updates / Upgrades
• More Info ,Click Here!
A Flight Sim that offers 'Real Life Flying' with Accurate Worldwide Scenery based on Actual Military Mapping, over 20,000 of the World's Airports and 80+ Different Planes....
FlightProSimV2.2.2 is the Game Flight Fans have Been Waiting for...
With 100+ aircraft to master, from the 1903 Wright Flyer to the latest military fighter jet and you know you will be busy for months...
Add in changeable weather, 20,000+ airports, life like controls, NASA flight models, World Wide Scenery based on US Defense Mapping AND FREE lifetime updates / upgrades you know you will be busy for years...
One of the Most Realistic Flight Sims AvailableFlightProSim™ is a FlightGear fork and has been built to be as close to real life as possible. Everything from terrain, aircraft reactions, to planetary alignments & movements.
The virtual controls are based on Real Life cockpits and you will find night flying more enjoyable with ground lighting concentrated in urban areas, car headlights on major roadways and accurate airport approach lighting. It doesn't get any closer to the real thing... You get 100% Freedom, Amazing Scenery And A Sophisticated Sky Model
FlightProSim™ features highly detailed time of day modeling that places the sun, moon, stars, and planets correctly based on Real Time data from your computer clock.
If it's dawn in Beijing right now, it's dawn in the sim right now when you locate yourself in virtual Beijing.
The sun, moon, stars, and planets all follow their correct courses through the sky. The modeling also correctly takes into account seasonal effects so you have 24 hour days north of the Arctic Circle in the Summer...
• Test Your Skills by Flying Different PlanesFly Different Helicopters
Real Life Helicopter Handling
Land at Your Local Airport
Why Not Fly over Your House?
World Wide Scenery
Realistic Night Lighting
Test You Skill:
• Realistic Controls
Correct Airport Runway Lighting
Taxiway Lighting
Real Life Runway Elevation
Scenery based on Actual Military Data
Real time Integration with Google Maps
Realistic 3D Cockpit views
Have you ever wanted to land on a Aircraft Carrier?
Show off your flying skills.
• Want to try Air-Air Refueling?
Fly with the help of Autopilot
Scenery Sets Included to get you started
• All from the thriving Open Source Community, this software is forever changing.
• Shared and Open Source code.
Moderate Computer Requirements your travel dreams a reality and take to the skies!
Over 20 planes to get you started + Another 100+ More FREE
• Ongoing Support
100% Free Updates / Upgrades
• More Info ,Click Here!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Zygor World of Warcraft
Zygor World of Warcraft
- Zygor Guides is one of the most general guides in Class of War craft construction.It was organized as an in-game handbook and voices from all over the Internet present that it shows you everything – rank by move action for any coterie, vie or class.Zygor Guides 3 was fully redesigned and shiny, it’s completely updated for Cataclysm. In component you also get Zygor Talent Advisor add on that lets you get most out of devastation by telling you where you should drop your talent points the bit you reach a new story. Zygor Guides Handbook website indicates that their method is meant not only for beginners but for top players as intimately. And it’s also acknowledged of it’s deference with Blizzards current add on policies and regulations. Formerly installed, you can analyze the enchiridion totally from inner the game and it points you where you are supposed to go at all present. Thanks to hunt quantify discovery group it “follows” your actions during a conferred quest and it adjusts to your advancement on the fly. Additionally there’s a directional arrow on the covering that points the participant in the sect message.
Treasure Game Party
Treasure Game Party
A Treasure Hunt is fun to plan. A Treasure Hunt is thrilling to participate in. A Treasure Hunt is a popular and desirable choice for your next party. And PIRATES are one of the best treasure hunt themes!
A Treasure Hunt is fun to plan. A Treasure Hunt is thrilling to participate in. A Treasure Hunt is a popular and desirable choice for your next party. And PIRATES are one of the best treasure hunt themes!
How to avoid running out of ideas and creating a party game that bores or embarrasses your guests, by hosting an exciting and challenging treasure hunt that does not require you to think up dozens of clever rhyming clues! And it can be played by EVERYONE.
You really don’t want to look lame for creating a dumb party game, have your guests making excuses to leave early and find that no-one is looking forward to next year – they are already making plans to be out of town that weekend.
Why not be considered to be the best party organizer in town and have your friends, family, children, neighbors tell you how much they enjoyed themselves at your pirate treasure hunt party.
Get Detail, Click Here!
For Less Than $20 This Is What You Get: 365 games at your fingertips (saves you time and effort) Uses inexpensive materials, mostly found around the home (saves you money) Wide variety of games (holidays, party, educational, preschool and a whole lot more) Activities for all ages (3 years until 16 years old) Ideas to create new and different games (in truth you're getting more than 365 games) Brand new and old favorite games (all tried and tested by kids) Games that inspire creativity and self esteem Good for one child growing up (can repeat a game at a more advanced level) Easy step-by-step instructions Many uses (for home schooling, groups of kids, rainy days, parties, etc) good if you have kids of different ages Quality time with the kids (you have fun too!) User-friendly and printer-friendly e-book format Special discounted offer Safe and Secure ordering Unconditional, no-risk, money-back guarantee Instant access (no waiting for delivery) A great value! (you get a lot for a little)
Friday, December 10, 2010
Game Copy Wizard
Game Copy Wizard is a better and easier way for you to completely backup any Video Games. Completely unlike anything our competitors are offering, it allows you to make quality backups of your games using a CD or DVD burner.
Have you ever been bothered that you cannot copy or backup video games ? You are in the right place! From now on you can copy your original discs and play the backups you have made with Game Copy wizard.
What Game Copy Wizard™ can do for you ?
• Backup games from the consoles like Xbox 360, Xbox, PS3, PS2, Nintendo Wii, Gamecube, PC, Dreamcast.Works even for PC games
• Also you will be able to backup your Video or Music DVDs, containing your favourite Movie,Music or Series.
• Finally you will also be able to create Video DVDs, from the media files you have. All popular video files are supported from Divx, xvid to mp4.
• The GameCopyWizard is so advanced that it gets through the latest unbreakable protection easily and lets you Burn these games to any regular blank CD or DVD.
With GameCopyWizard™, you can copy any Favourite Video Game in your system easier and faster. Usually Video Games can not often completely can be completely copied because of the in built protection.Unlike our competitors backup system, GameCopyWizard™ can not only get through the latest so called unbreakable protection applications , but also burns them to a Writeable media. This helps you play your favourite games years after your original DVD is lost,scratched or missed, giving you complete control.
More Info, Click Here!
WoW Schools, Training Players
areer on the game
Welcome to WoW Schools!
When I play World of Warcraft I have one goal in mind: MAKING TONS OF GOLD! At this point in my WoW career, I don't need anymore gold than I already have, so along with my colleagues at WoW Schools I have directed all my attention to teaching others how to make tons of gold for themselves.
Safe, Legal and Always up to Date
Here is a sneak preview of what you will learn. This isn't even a fraction of the things that are included in this course, but important things we feel the need to touch on so you know what you can expect to get.
How to Use In-Game Addons: Think you already know right? Hah, don't worry most people say they do too. Yet, they spend countless hours on the Internet looking for gold making strategies. Wonder why that is? Yep, you've guessed it! They don't really know what some of these addons actually do and they especially don't know how to use them. In reality, these people who claim they use these addons, aren't really using them to any capacity. We will tell you exactly how to use each addon to make tons of gold and all the secret tricks involved with each one!
How to reach gold cap with only a single level 1 character.
What to do and what not to do if you want to make gold.
The secrets to optimizing your World of Warcraft environment to make more gold.
How to make gold with a brand new character in only a few minutes.
How to find instant and guaranteed profits on your auction house with a few clicks.
How to determine the best time of day and week to buy and sell certain items.
How to automatically cancel and post hundreds of auctions with the perfect prices with the click of a few buttons.
How to ensure you will make as much gold as possible by properly pricing items you post on the auction house.
How to always know the right price to buy and sell an item for, including how to receive instant notification when an item hits a certain price.
The details of do cross-faction trading to take advantage of the most lucrative gold making opportunities.
How to detect and capitalize on big changes to the game before and after they happen.
How to use trade chat and price negotiating skills to make even more gold from the people you trade with.
... and of course much more!
More Detail, Click Here!
Welcome to WoW Schools!
When I play World of Warcraft I have one goal in mind: MAKING TONS OF GOLD! At this point in my WoW career, I don't need anymore gold than I already have, so along with my colleagues at WoW Schools I have directed all my attention to teaching others how to make tons of gold for themselves.
There are over 12 million players playing World of Warcraft today and very few of them know the techniques that top gold makers use to stockpile millions of gold. We use simple tricks combined with free addons and online tools to capitalize on the other 12 million player's mistakes. Best of all, we're sharing everything we've learned with the world, read below to find out more!
Reaching Gold Cap Has Never Been This Easy...Safe, Legal and Always up to Date
A lot of people ask, "Is this safe? Will it be updated for the next patch?" YES! Don't worry, everything in the course is 100% legal, safe and will not get you banned. We never ask for your username or password and there are no illegal programs to install. Some people will tell you that you can just buy gold from a gold farmer. Yeah right! If you want to have your account banned! This course is also always kept up to date and you will receive free updates throughout Cataclysm. We will include new items and new techniques the minute we start using them.
What You Will LearnHere is a sneak preview of what you will learn. This isn't even a fraction of the things that are included in this course, but important things we feel the need to touch on so you know what you can expect to get.
How to Use In-Game Addons: Think you already know right? Hah, don't worry most people say they do too. Yet, they spend countless hours on the Internet looking for gold making strategies. Wonder why that is? Yep, you've guessed it! They don't really know what some of these addons actually do and they especially don't know how to use them. In reality, these people who claim they use these addons, aren't really using them to any capacity. We will tell you exactly how to use each addon to make tons of gold and all the secret tricks involved with each one!
How to reach gold cap with only a single level 1 character.
What to do and what not to do if you want to make gold.
The secrets to optimizing your World of Warcraft environment to make more gold.
How to make gold with a brand new character in only a few minutes.
How to find instant and guaranteed profits on your auction house with a few clicks.
How to determine the best time of day and week to buy and sell certain items.
How to automatically cancel and post hundreds of auctions with the perfect prices with the click of a few buttons.
How to ensure you will make as much gold as possible by properly pricing items you post on the auction house.
How to always know the right price to buy and sell an item for, including how to receive instant notification when an item hits a certain price.
The details of do cross-faction trading to take advantage of the most lucrative gold making opportunities.
How to detect and capitalize on big changes to the game before and after they happen.
How to use trade chat and price negotiating skills to make even more gold from the people you trade with.
... and of course much more!
More Detail, Click Here!
WoW Levelling Guide
5 New Massive Guides for Level 80-85 Zones
Complete Worgen And Goblin Starting Zones
Optimized Leveling Path For Each Race.
Optimized Ant Trail Navigation, Never Get Lost Again.
Earn Loremaster Achievements For Each Zones.
Easy Guide Selection, Pick And Choose Any Zone.
Compatible With Heirlooms, Dungeon And PVP Leveling.
• Fastest questing route to level 85.
• Simple and easy to use.
• Step-by-step instructions.
• Fully automated with automatic step detection and automatic waypoints.
• Compatible with ANY level character
• Compatible with Recruit-a-friend and Heirlooms
• Easy guide selections.
• Lightweight and doesn't slow down your computer.
• Over 5100 quests covered.
Play on autopilot and stop thinking about what to do next.
Dugi's WoW Leveling Guide, Alliance Leveling Guide, and Horde Leveling Guides have been around since classic World of Warcraft back in 2005 and over the years we have continuously upgraded our leveling guide to meet our customers demands.
We have managed to evolve from a written step-by-step guide to a easy to read in-game guide to a sophisticated fully automatic guide that we called Dugi's Guide V4, which is it our 4th generation of in-game leveling guide since we first started.
If you're confused about how to spend your talent points for leveling horde and alliance. We have also provided a guide for the best talent spec for EVERY single class.
And best of all, it is available inside our In-Game leveling guide so you can also access the Talent Guide from inside the game. Step By Step Video Instruction is included with our WoW Leveling Guide, Alliance Leveling Guide, and Horde Leveling Guide.
Level 1- 85 Multiple Leveling Specs Per Class To Suit Your Style
Level 85 PVE Talent Template For Every Spec And Every Class
Level 85 PVP Talent Template For Every Spec And Every Class
More Information, Click Here!
Complete Worgen And Goblin Starting Zones
Optimized Leveling Path For Each Race.
Optimized Ant Trail Navigation, Never Get Lost Again.
Earn Loremaster Achievements For Each Zones.
Easy Guide Selection, Pick And Choose Any Zone.
Compatible With Heirlooms, Dungeon And PVP Leveling.
• Fastest questing route to level 85.
• Simple and easy to use.
• Step-by-step instructions.
• Fully automated with automatic step detection and automatic waypoints.
• Compatible with ANY level character
• Compatible with Recruit-a-friend and Heirlooms
• Easy guide selections.
• Lightweight and doesn't slow down your computer.
• Over 5100 quests covered.
Play on autopilot and stop thinking about what to do next.
Dugi's WoW Leveling Guide, Alliance Leveling Guide, and Horde Leveling Guides have been around since classic World of Warcraft back in 2005 and over the years we have continuously upgraded our leveling guide to meet our customers demands.
We have managed to evolve from a written step-by-step guide to a easy to read in-game guide to a sophisticated fully automatic guide that we called Dugi's Guide V4, which is it our 4th generation of in-game leveling guide since we first started.
If you're confused about how to spend your talent points for leveling horde and alliance. We have also provided a guide for the best talent spec for EVERY single class.
And best of all, it is available inside our In-Game leveling guide so you can also access the Talent Guide from inside the game. Step By Step Video Instruction is included with our WoW Leveling Guide, Alliance Leveling Guide, and Horde Leveling Guide.
Level 1- 85 Multiple Leveling Specs Per Class To Suit Your Style
Level 85 PVE Talent Template For Every Spec And Every Class
Level 85 PVP Talent Template For Every Spec And Every Class
More Information, Click Here!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Auto Mass Traffic
Auto Mass Traffic
FACT: They're Tedious, Too Complicated, Too Challenging, Too Expensive, Too Stressful, Time Consuming And Overcrowded.
After 4 long years of consistently making money online there is ONE essential ingredient you need for success and that is ...
... Traffic!!
I can honestly tell you, you need traffic to make money online. There's *absolutely* no other way around it.
I believe you DON'T have that kind of time on your hands or that kind of money lying around.
But I can tell you this though ... I've been there.
I've burnt my hard earned money trying every one of these gimmicks and wasted a lot of time over the years.
... I didn't achieve anything ...
... as they were too tedious, too expensive, too complicated, too time consuming with endless days and nights of hard work. I did get a dribble of traffic or 10 visitors, if I was lucky.
They'll work for one day and the next ... I began questioning myself to what I did wrong. Fact is ... we don't do anything wrong ... we're just using outdated, overcrowded methods that worked wonderfully yesterday, NOT TODAY!!
Give Me Software, Click Here!
WARNING: This Volume Of Traffic and Money Can NOT Be Achieved Using Google™, Yahoo™, MSN™, Banner Ads, Social Bookmarking, Social Networking, FaceBook™, Adwords™, SEO, Blogging, Article Writing, Media Buys, Classified Ads, Twitter™, Link Building, eMail Drops, Adswaps And Joint Ventures COMBINED!!!
FACT: They're Tedious, Too Complicated, Too Challenging, Too Expensive, Too Stressful, Time Consuming And Overcrowded.
After 4 long years of consistently making money online there is ONE essential ingredient you need for success and that is ...
... Traffic!!
I can honestly tell you, you need traffic to make money online. There's *absolutely* no other way around it.
I've been getting instant traffic and I will prove to you with my years of experience, it DOESN'T get any easier than this.
FOUR years is a long time ... that’s 48 months, 1,461 days, 35,064 hours or 2,103,840 minutes learning every trick in the book. I've even spent over $100,000 learning these so called 'techniques'. That's an average of $2,083.00 a month.
But I can tell you this though ... I've been there.
I've burnt my hard earned money trying every one of these gimmicks and wasted a lot of time over the years.
I've tried Google Adwords™, banner ads, social bookmarking, social networking, FaceBook™, SEO, blogging, article writing, media buys, classified ads, link building, email drops, adswaps, joint venture partners ... and in the end...
... I didn't achieve anything ...
... as they were too tedious, too expensive, too complicated, too time consuming with endless days and nights of hard work. I did get a dribble of traffic or 10 visitors, if I was lucky.
They'll work for one day and the next ... I began questioning myself to what I did wrong. Fact is ... we don't do anything wrong ... we're just using outdated, overcrowded methods that worked wonderfully yesterday, NOT TODAY!!
This whole making money online 'thing' was new to me too ... I didn't have the slightest clue what to do and where to start or even how. The only thing on my mind was how to make 'some' money but for that I learnt I needed instant traffic and I needed it fast.
I knew it could be done as I've witnessed everybody else raking in the traffic AND cash except me.
Fact is ... once you know how to get an instant rush of traffic consistently, you'll begin to see cash being generated consistently into your accounts too.Give Me Software, Click Here!
work at home
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Vision Without Glasses
Vision without Glasses
Don't Let Your Vision Problems, Stop You From Living A Care-Free Life"
Do you feel a rush of panic in the pit of your stomach when you can't find your glasses, or you think you've lost a contact?
Does the thought of losing your eyesight, each year you get older, frighten you?
Has your vision become so poor you can't even walk to the bathroom at night without searching for your glasses first?
Do you dream about how much better you could perform daily activities like, reading the paper, using the computer, and driving if you had sharper vision?
Each year, at the time of your eye visit, do you resent spending a fortune on new eye wear – sometimes purchasing multiple pairs to get you through the next year?
Have you thought about getting eye surgery, but are terrified of the potential negative long-term effects?
“If Glasses and Contacts Harms Vision and Surgery Is Too Risky, Then How Can I Improve My Eyesight?”
Think about this...
When you were born, doctors didn't check your eyesight as they pulled you from your mother's womb. And, guess what? Eventually, you learned to crawl and walk, without the use of glasses. Didn't you?
Here's another example to consider.
If you've been to remote locations such as the Amazon or have seen T.V. shows that film the way natives live in the wild. You may have seen them how they hunt for food, build tools and make crafts. But, you'll never see these naturalists squint their eyes, or struggle to focus on their prey.
And, yet another example of vision regularity comes from recent developments regarding our ancestors. Archaeologists have discovered our ancient decedents had near 20-20 vision. Therefore, they had no need for corrective eyewear.
Now, I've created a system that'll show you, how to get your vision back, naturally.
You see, since working with Dr. Bates' system, I've helped hundreds of people get rid of their glasses, for good. I've even helped 80 years olds and older develop 20-20 vision. And, I can do the same for you.
What's important is, it doesn't matter if you've been wearing glasses since preschool. If you are not totally blind, Dr. Bates method can work for you.
In fact, the Bates method applies to all visual problems, including:
Near-Sightedness (Myopia)
Lazy Eye (Amblyopia)
Cross-Eye (Strabismus)
Macular Degeneration
Hyperopia (Far-Sightedness)
Presbyopia (Old-Age Sight)
Tension Headache
Light Sensitivity
Poor Night Vision
And More...
In Vision Without Glasses™ you'll be taken by the hand, just as I guide my patients, as I walk you through a series of fun, eye relaxation techniques.
So, if you didn't need glasses during birth; neither do those living in the wild; nor did your ancestors, then why are many people today so dependent on wearing glasses?
“Helping You Improve Eye Sight – Naturally!”
For the first 20 years of my career, I owned an ophthalmology practice. In fact, in my city, I've won many awards for having the most prestigious optical business in town.
After learning of my accomplishments as a leading optical doctor, people were shocked when I left my practice to help vision sufferers improve their eyesight – naturally.
More detail , Click Here!
Don't Let Your Vision Problems, Stop You From Living A Care-Free Life"
Do you feel a rush of panic in the pit of your stomach when you can't find your glasses, or you think you've lost a contact?
Does the thought of losing your eyesight, each year you get older, frighten you?
Has your vision become so poor you can't even walk to the bathroom at night without searching for your glasses first?
Do you dream about how much better you could perform daily activities like, reading the paper, using the computer, and driving if you had sharper vision?
Each year, at the time of your eye visit, do you resent spending a fortune on new eye wear – sometimes purchasing multiple pairs to get you through the next year?
Have you thought about getting eye surgery, but are terrified of the potential negative long-term effects?
“If Glasses and Contacts Harms Vision and Surgery Is Too Risky, Then How Can I Improve My Eyesight?”
Think about this...
When you were born, doctors didn't check your eyesight as they pulled you from your mother's womb. And, guess what? Eventually, you learned to crawl and walk, without the use of glasses. Didn't you?
Here's another example to consider.
If you've been to remote locations such as the Amazon or have seen T.V. shows that film the way natives live in the wild. You may have seen them how they hunt for food, build tools and make crafts. But, you'll never see these naturalists squint their eyes, or struggle to focus on their prey.
And, yet another example of vision regularity comes from recent developments regarding our ancestors. Archaeologists have discovered our ancient decedents had near 20-20 vision. Therefore, they had no need for corrective eyewear.
Now, I've created a system that'll show you, how to get your vision back, naturally.
You see, since working with Dr. Bates' system, I've helped hundreds of people get rid of their glasses, for good. I've even helped 80 years olds and older develop 20-20 vision. And, I can do the same for you.
What's important is, it doesn't matter if you've been wearing glasses since preschool. If you are not totally blind, Dr. Bates method can work for you.
In fact, the Bates method applies to all visual problems, including:
Near-Sightedness (Myopia)
Lazy Eye (Amblyopia)
Cross-Eye (Strabismus)
Macular Degeneration
Hyperopia (Far-Sightedness)
Presbyopia (Old-Age Sight)
Tension Headache
Light Sensitivity
Poor Night Vision
And More...
In Vision Without Glasses™ you'll be taken by the hand, just as I guide my patients, as I walk you through a series of fun, eye relaxation techniques.
So, if you didn't need glasses during birth; neither do those living in the wild; nor did your ancestors, then why are many people today so dependent on wearing glasses?
“Helping You Improve Eye Sight – Naturally!”
For the first 20 years of my career, I owned an ophthalmology practice. In fact, in my city, I've won many awards for having the most prestigious optical business in town.
After learning of my accomplishments as a leading optical doctor, people were shocked when I left my practice to help vision sufferers improve their eyesight – naturally.
More detail , Click Here!
health Tips
A Backlink harvester which harvests thousands of links then runs them through a bot to auto create accounts, verify emails, post your links and pull back a report of your do followed links!
What does the Backlink Engines Software Do?
The software will find targetted websites where it is possible to create a profile and a backlink and then it will auto create your account – auto verify your email and auto post your profile and backlink – best of all it will do this in the background whilst you continue your other work. You can even have your captchas filled out automatically.
Building backlinks has never been simpler or easier!
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To get you started I have compiled a list of 247 sites which I will be giving away with the software!
What can you use Backlink Engines for?
You can use Backlink Engines to promote:
• your money site
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work at home
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Write own E book in 7 days
I've had great success with ebooks -- they've changed my career, my bank account and, in general, my life!
Doing my first two would have been 10 times easier with Joe and Jim's step-by-step information, and I would have made even more money with this information as well. If you're planning to write your first -- or your next -- ebook, trust me -- this is the information you've been waiting for!"
Learn the tips, tricks and secrets directly from some of the most successful e-authors online today!
• Go inside the minds of the most successful ebook authors today to learn their secrets.
• Discover what they learned about making money quick off a thin and easy to write ebook.
• These are people just like you... who jumped in, wrote a book, and are making money passively day and night.
• Through in-depth interviews they reveal their secrets to YOU...
o Marketing secrets - how to explode ebook sales virtually overnight!
o How they write and manage their time with schedules so hectic you'd wonder how they have time to get anything done... let alone author a book!
o What works and what doesn't in the "real world" online publishing.
Here's the bottom line on this incredible resource...
"How to Write and Publish your own eBook in as little as 7 Days" will guide you step-by-step to:
• Identify a Target Market with laser-beam focus
• Create an ebook idea that will sell
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If you respond immediately, you'll also receive the following:
FREE Bonus REPORT: Guerrilla Marketer Jay Conrad Levinson explains 5 highly effective online marketing methods that don't cost ANY money! This is an *extended* interview you will not find anywhere else.
*Jay charges $100's of dollars for his time and this report is easily valued at $250!
FREE Bonus REPORT: Interview with Joe Vitale - In this 24 page interview Joe spills his guts by detailing his success with his latest success, "Spiritual Marketing". This is the same interview Joe sells on his website... so you know it's worth getting just by itself.
FREE Bonus eBook: "Million Dollar Emails" - the full version of the ebook that exposes the email secrets of some of the web's greatest marketers of all time. The emails in this book generated over $1,000,000 in online sales... just think what you can learn from them!
*This amazing ebook sells all over the web for $19 - but you get it FREE just for giving us a risk-free try!
More Information Click Here!
work at home
Green DIY Energy
...You can build your own Solar Panels, saving $1,000’s off of retail price.
...Almost anyone can do this, even if you have no solar experience.
...There is a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how to build your own solar panel system.
Why pay thousands of dollars for solar energy ($27,000 average cost) when you can build your own solar panel system for just a fraction of the retail cost? You can build a single solar panel, or you can build an entire array of panels.
When you “Do It Yourself”, you can cut your costs to a fraction of what “retail” would normally cost. It’s a fun project, and with this step-by-step guide, you can quickly and easily start producing your own electricity.
How much money can you save?
For too many years your only option was to buy retail solar panels at $1,125. With installation, that could Total Over $27,000 for your entire house!*
*2007 Installed Costs from ($7.50/watt)
Now, with the help of this detailed “DIY Solar Panel” guide you can join the revolution of Do-It-Yourselfers who have figured out how to cheaply create their own solar power.
This DIY Guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of constructing 60- to 120- watt Solar Panels for under $200. You can easily do it for less than $100 if you do a little extra work in collecting materials.
In fact, You Could Actually Build One For Less Than $27 if you took the time to rebuild and connect “broken solar cells” together (which isn’t that hard to do).
Before you start...
Before you try to build your own solar power, you need to have the right tools. You need to have the step-by-step process that I explain in this guide. I made it a personal mission to create the best solar panel guide available. I searched the Internet for months looking for the best ideas and designs for building solar panels.
I have put all of these ideas into one simple and easy-to-follow solar panel guide. With the fully illustrated process even the Non-Do-It-Yourselfer can quickly learn how to create solar energy at home.
What if I’m not the “Handyman Type”?
No problem, everything is broken down into Easy to Follow Step-by-Step Instructions. I’ve been told by numerous people that the guide was able to take even the most difficult solar panel construction methods and distill them down to simple and easy steps that even complete beginners can easily follow.
And don’t worry if you don’t consider yourself “technically inclined,” this guide will show you how to do it step by step. And we won’t leave you alone! There is a list of resources and support to help you with your project all the way until it is completed.
“Is this a joke?”
No, this is the real deal!
Once you open this detailed DIY Guide you will see exactly how to build your own solar energy for less than $200.
Step-by-step pictures, diagrams and schematics show you how everything is done. There is even a Video Library so you can see real solar panels being created.
You’ll learn where to find the cheapest (or sometimes free) materials needed for your project. Through years of trial and error we have mastered the art of buying cheap solar parts so you can save money from your very first solar panel. You might double the cost of your solar panel without these money saving resources and buying lists and more than pay for the cost of the guide we are offering. We have several groups of high school and college students working on DIY Solar Panels right now. And hey, if they can do it, then you can do it!
More Information Click Here!
...Almost anyone can do this, even if you have no solar experience.
...There is a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how to build your own solar panel system.
Why pay thousands of dollars for solar energy ($27,000 average cost) when you can build your own solar panel system for just a fraction of the retail cost? You can build a single solar panel, or you can build an entire array of panels.
When you “Do It Yourself”, you can cut your costs to a fraction of what “retail” would normally cost. It’s a fun project, and with this step-by-step guide, you can quickly and easily start producing your own electricity.
How much money can you save?
For too many years your only option was to buy retail solar panels at $1,125. With installation, that could Total Over $27,000 for your entire house!*
*2007 Installed Costs from ($7.50/watt)
Now, with the help of this detailed “DIY Solar Panel” guide you can join the revolution of Do-It-Yourselfers who have figured out how to cheaply create their own solar power.
This DIY Guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of constructing 60- to 120- watt Solar Panels for under $200. You can easily do it for less than $100 if you do a little extra work in collecting materials.
In fact, You Could Actually Build One For Less Than $27 if you took the time to rebuild and connect “broken solar cells” together (which isn’t that hard to do).
Before you start...
Before you try to build your own solar power, you need to have the right tools. You need to have the step-by-step process that I explain in this guide. I made it a personal mission to create the best solar panel guide available. I searched the Internet for months looking for the best ideas and designs for building solar panels.
I have put all of these ideas into one simple and easy-to-follow solar panel guide. With the fully illustrated process even the Non-Do-It-Yourselfer can quickly learn how to create solar energy at home.
What if I’m not the “Handyman Type”?
No problem, everything is broken down into Easy to Follow Step-by-Step Instructions. I’ve been told by numerous people that the guide was able to take even the most difficult solar panel construction methods and distill them down to simple and easy steps that even complete beginners can easily follow.
And don’t worry if you don’t consider yourself “technically inclined,” this guide will show you how to do it step by step. And we won’t leave you alone! There is a list of resources and support to help you with your project all the way until it is completed.
“Is this a joke?”
No, this is the real deal!
Once you open this detailed DIY Guide you will see exactly how to build your own solar energy for less than $200.
Step-by-step pictures, diagrams and schematics show you how everything is done. There is even a Video Library so you can see real solar panels being created.
You’ll learn where to find the cheapest (or sometimes free) materials needed for your project. Through years of trial and error we have mastered the art of buying cheap solar parts so you can save money from your very first solar panel. You might double the cost of your solar panel without these money saving resources and buying lists and more than pay for the cost of the guide we are offering. We have several groups of high school and college students working on DIY Solar Panels right now. And hey, if they can do it, then you can do it!
More Information Click Here!
go green
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Fat Burning Furnace
Fat Burning Furnace
How we used this 1 sneaky technique to trick our bodies to burn more fat by eating more of these delicious fat burning foods that also satisfy your cravings...
How this unique, simple and quick NEW way of moving skyrocketed our energy, fat loss and fitness. Hint: it's the exact opposite of boring cardio, but with no cardio at all...
My 1 "weird" old trick of a tiny belly, and how this trimmed our stomachs much faster than boring and painful 'abs' exercises...
How this tasty little dish we ate late at night actually boosted the most powerful fat loss hormone in our bodies while we slept the night away...
How we accessed this old motivation trick for a leaner, healthier body so powerful, it's been passed down for decades & used by some of the hottest celebrities still today...
Diets That Work? Forget It!...
You WON'T lose weight fast and keep it off by just eating low carb diets, low fat diets, or low calorie diets. The truth is, fast weight loss that lasts comes down to a diet that works, but that is right for you. You're going to discover an easy way to trick your body into burning more calories by eating more with these delicious and healthy fat burning foods that satisfy your cravings...
Cardio Doesn't Work...
Those long and frequent cardio or aerobic workouts from quick weight loss programs are the WORST WAY to burn fat. You're going to see how to almost triple your fat loss and fitness results by exercising in the complete OPPOSITE manner with these tips for just 45 minutes a WEEK...with no cardio at all!
You Can't Lose Belly Fat With Crunches & Sit-ups...
1000's of crunches, sit ups, or those crappy infomercial abs gizmos WILL NOT allow you to lose belly fat or give you a flatter stomach and certainly not six pack abs. You're going to learn how to lose stomach fat 5 times faster with these full body exercises that don't actually target your abs at all...
Your Question, Click Here!
How we used this 1 sneaky technique to trick our bodies to burn more fat by eating more of these delicious fat burning foods that also satisfy your cravings...
How this unique, simple and quick NEW way of moving skyrocketed our energy, fat loss and fitness. Hint: it's the exact opposite of boring cardio, but with no cardio at all...
My 1 "weird" old trick of a tiny belly, and how this trimmed our stomachs much faster than boring and painful 'abs' exercises...
How this tasty little dish we ate late at night actually boosted the most powerful fat loss hormone in our bodies while we slept the night away...
How we accessed this old motivation trick for a leaner, healthier body so powerful, it's been passed down for decades & used by some of the hottest celebrities still today...
Diets That Work? Forget It!...
You WON'T lose weight fast and keep it off by just eating low carb diets, low fat diets, or low calorie diets. The truth is, fast weight loss that lasts comes down to a diet that works, but that is right for you. You're going to discover an easy way to trick your body into burning more calories by eating more with these delicious and healthy fat burning foods that satisfy your cravings...
Cardio Doesn't Work...
Those long and frequent cardio or aerobic workouts from quick weight loss programs are the WORST WAY to burn fat. You're going to see how to almost triple your fat loss and fitness results by exercising in the complete OPPOSITE manner with these tips for just 45 minutes a WEEK...with no cardio at all!
You Can't Lose Belly Fat With Crunches & Sit-ups...
1000's of crunches, sit ups, or those crappy infomercial abs gizmos WILL NOT allow you to lose belly fat or give you a flatter stomach and certainly not six pack abs. You're going to learn how to lose stomach fat 5 times faster with these full body exercises that don't actually target your abs at all...
Your Question, Click Here!
health Tips
Earth 4 Energy
Earth 4 Energy
If you are interested in learning exactly how to generate power and reduce your bill then this is the perfect resource for you! With the ever increasing costs of living, there is no better time than right now to stop throwing money out the window and start generating our own electricity.
Over the last few years I have figured out how to significantly reduce the cost of solar panels making it more affordable for the average home owner just like you.
Now you can build a single panel or a complete array of panels to power your home for a fraction of retail cost.
I'm going to be your "solar mentor" and show you step-by-step how to make a solar panel. I'll also teach you my other secrets to renewable energy in an easy to follow format.
Did you know? A basic solar installation from a retailer can take 30 years to pay back and cost you well over $20,000?
This is simply too much for many to afford and the pay back time is far too long. This prompted me to do some research into how the solar panels are created and how I could make them myself.
I soon realized it was possible to make solar panels for MUCH cheaper than retail price, saving me thousands. Moreover, it was actually easier than I thought!
That's when I decided to develop this guide with my close friend Mark (A solar nut!).
Keep reading to see what Mark and I have put together for you.
his will help you build your own solar panel. You will learn how to make a solar panel that produces up to 120 watts. Moreover, you can then join these panels together to produce over 1KW of power.
Another thing to think about: After you install the solar panels on your home the value of your home will increase by thousands.
You don't need to be a builder, anybody can make solar panels. It's really quite easy to make solar panels once you know a few industry secrets. Plus, our guide is broken down into an easy to follow format that will walk you through step-by-step.
We will provide you with plenty of pictures and diagrams for you to look at but if you still need help, just email us! We are more than happy to answer any questions you have.
After we created our solar panel guide we wanted to know if it was easy enough for the "Average joe" to follow.
We found 43 people (male and female) who were interested in solar but knew nothing about making panels, we gave them our guide and came back in a month to see what they have built.
Before you get started on your solar energy project you need to make sure you have the right tools. More importantly, you need to make sure you have the correct step-by-step instructions.
I say this because when I first started searching online for a detailed guide I found out that many of them were incomplete and some of the diagrams were actually wrong!
It's very important that you follow clear, correct instructions and that's exactly what this guide has.
Some people find it hard to believe you can make quality solar panels for less than $200. Well, we have proven it's definitely possible. There are now people from all parts of the world making their own solar panels and saving thousands off retail cost! It really does make sense to build your own solar panels, especially when it's this affordable and easy.
For more Information, Click Here!
If you are interested in learning exactly how to generate power and reduce your bill then this is the perfect resource for you! With the ever increasing costs of living, there is no better time than right now to stop throwing money out the window and start generating our own electricity.
Over the last few years I have figured out how to significantly reduce the cost of solar panels making it more affordable for the average home owner just like you.
Now you can build a single panel or a complete array of panels to power your home for a fraction of retail cost.
I'm going to be your "solar mentor" and show you step-by-step how to make a solar panel. I'll also teach you my other secrets to renewable energy in an easy to follow format.
Did you know? A basic solar installation from a retailer can take 30 years to pay back and cost you well over $20,000?
This is simply too much for many to afford and the pay back time is far too long. This prompted me to do some research into how the solar panels are created and how I could make them myself.
I soon realized it was possible to make solar panels for MUCH cheaper than retail price, saving me thousands. Moreover, it was actually easier than I thought!
That's when I decided to develop this guide with my close friend Mark (A solar nut!).
Keep reading to see what Mark and I have put together for you.
his will help you build your own solar panel. You will learn how to make a solar panel that produces up to 120 watts. Moreover, you can then join these panels together to produce over 1KW of power.
Another thing to think about: After you install the solar panels on your home the value of your home will increase by thousands.
You don't need to be a builder, anybody can make solar panels. It's really quite easy to make solar panels once you know a few industry secrets. Plus, our guide is broken down into an easy to follow format that will walk you through step-by-step.
We will provide you with plenty of pictures and diagrams for you to look at but if you still need help, just email us! We are more than happy to answer any questions you have.
After we created our solar panel guide we wanted to know if it was easy enough for the "Average joe" to follow.
We found 43 people (male and female) who were interested in solar but knew nothing about making panels, we gave them our guide and came back in a month to see what they have built.
Before you get started on your solar energy project you need to make sure you have the right tools. More importantly, you need to make sure you have the correct step-by-step instructions.
I say this because when I first started searching online for a detailed guide I found out that many of them were incomplete and some of the diagrams were actually wrong!
It's very important that you follow clear, correct instructions and that's exactly what this guide has.
Some people find it hard to believe you can make quality solar panels for less than $200. Well, we have proven it's definitely possible. There are now people from all parts of the world making their own solar panels and saving thousands off retail cost! It really does make sense to build your own solar panels, especially when it's this affordable and easy.
For more Information, Click Here!
go green
Wedding cost saving tips
Flower prices are very expensive, use of flowers at the wedding is extravagant. place a single stalk of rose in a bud vase for each table with a variety of shades of color and you will save up to 35% of the cost of decoration at the wedding event.
In the event, wedding reception, wedding is the center of attention in addition to his own wedding of course. The beauty of the aisle will look beautiful when adorned with flowers. However, when in flower prices are very expensive, so the desire by a wide aisle flowers adorn a distant memory. But no need to despair because after consideration and from observations of how extravagant to use of flowers at the wedding, can be implemented important measures to save on financing for weddings.
Flowers are not things that become obligatory for any wedding reception, but can only use other creations that may be more attractive, despite the appearance of flowers, can take advantage of imitation creations are no less beautiful than the original. If forced to use the flowers on the tables of guests as a garnish, place a single stalk of rose in a bud vase for each table with a variety of shades of color for the use of candles add to the beauty that is placed in the chamber is varied. The utilization rate is only at a very important, Buket bleak, and in Indonesia generally to girdle the groom, father and several main family members.
Preparation of wedding became the main focus, with an adjustment between the bride dress, flower decoration and use of lighting rays, so the photographers who took pictures will get the best results. Take advantage of beautiful ornamental tree for around the aisle, or around the altar stairs, set to match the room and ornaments on the altar.
If there is a desire to set their own decorations, ornamental tree, choice hire option than buying. Plants that are rented varied, starting small, medium or large enough, adjust as needed decorating.
By applying the plan to reduce rates to decorate the reception, will save up to 25% of the cost of decoration in the development of reception. Good luck hopefully useful.
By applying the plan to reduce rates to decorate the reception, will save up to 25% of the cost of decoration in the development of reception. Good luck hopefully useful.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Auto Traffic Monopoli
Auto Traffic Monopoli
• 9 Guides Total: 4 Full Level 1-60 Guides, 5 Level 80-85 Guides
• 40 Zones Covered, 12 More Than Competing Guides
• Goblin and Worgen Starter Guides Included
• In-Game Talent Build Advisor For All Skill Trees
• Works With Heirlooms, Recruit-A-Friend, and Pre-Leveled Characters
• Built In Waypoint Arrow, No TomTom Or Other Addons Needed
• Earn Your Loremaster Title With A Massive 45 Total New Cataclysm Zones
Everything you know about World of Warcraft has forever changed. The entire 1-60 portion of the game has been redesigned from the ground up and we have rewritten our entire guide from scratch for Patch 4.0.3a.
But we didn't stop there. Since you can now level to 60 entirely on Kalimdor OR Eastern Kingdoms, we now offer a guide for each continent. Our competitors only offer a single guide for Eastern Kingdoms alone. They have done the bare minimium amount of work and have left out half of the game. That's half of the storyline!
Zygor Guides is the only company in the world who offers four, count em', four full 1-60 guides for Horde and Alliance. Combined with our 5 level 80-85 guides, that's 9 guides total. So this is it. You are just a click away from aquiring the only tool that can unlock the full Cataclysm World of Warcraft leveling experience.
Just the opportunity to get this software working to make you 24/7 profits.
Don’t convince yourself that online success is impossible... that’s what the gurus want you to think so you can keep them on their gravy train of half-truths and rehashes.
It can be done, it has been proven and the best part is… ANYONE can do it.
It’s just a question of taking your chance, right now, for just $37 and with a completely risk-free guarantee backing you up... you have nothing to lose...
And I can’t wait to hear about how much you win!
More Information, Click Here!
• 9 Guides Total: 4 Full Level 1-60 Guides, 5 Level 80-85 Guides
• 40 Zones Covered, 12 More Than Competing Guides
• Goblin and Worgen Starter Guides Included
• In-Game Talent Build Advisor For All Skill Trees
• Works With Heirlooms, Recruit-A-Friend, and Pre-Leveled Characters
• Built In Waypoint Arrow, No TomTom Or Other Addons Needed
• Earn Your Loremaster Title With A Massive 45 Total New Cataclysm Zones
Everything you know about World of Warcraft has forever changed. The entire 1-60 portion of the game has been redesigned from the ground up and we have rewritten our entire guide from scratch for Patch 4.0.3a.
But we didn't stop there. Since you can now level to 60 entirely on Kalimdor OR Eastern Kingdoms, we now offer a guide for each continent. Our competitors only offer a single guide for Eastern Kingdoms alone. They have done the bare minimium amount of work and have left out half of the game. That's half of the storyline!
Zygor Guides is the only company in the world who offers four, count em', four full 1-60 guides for Horde and Alliance. Combined with our 5 level 80-85 guides, that's 9 guides total. So this is it. You are just a click away from aquiring the only tool that can unlock the full Cataclysm World of Warcraft leveling experience.
Just the opportunity to get this software working to make you 24/7 profits.
Don’t convince yourself that online success is impossible... that’s what the gurus want you to think so you can keep them on their gravy train of half-truths and rehashes.
It can be done, it has been proven and the best part is… ANYONE can do it.
It’s just a question of taking your chance, right now, for just $37 and with a completely risk-free guarantee backing you up... you have nothing to lose...
And I can’t wait to hear about how much you win!
More Information, Click Here!
work at home
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Ultimate Bowling Guide
The Ultimate Bowling Guide
Just the other day.. a fellow from the Midwest sent me an email. He said, "Eric, can you tell me how to improve my bowling game? Every time I go out with my buddies, I seem to come in last. Is there anything an average player like me can do?"The good news is, there are a few simple "tweaks" any bowler can use to instantly tack on 20, 30, even 50 or more points a game. And it doesn't take that much effort.
Get this...
There are five "dirty little secrets" among professional bowlers... secrets that no amateur ever learns on their own... and the pro's like it that way.
These five "dirty little secrets" are extremely simple to master (once they are revealed to you)... and yet they INSTANTLY allow you (no matter how butt ugly you think your game is right now) to "lock into" your own personal "Perfect Shot". Which means on your very next game, you will:
The best part is, all you need to do is make a few simple adjustments (which I'll tell you about in a moment) and to know what these five "dirty little secrets" to incredible bowling are.How can this be? How can you not transform your game... and suddenly -- and I do mean SUDDENLY -- start playing like the top pro's at their peak? Get this...
There are five "dirty little secrets" among professional bowlers... secrets that no amateur ever learns on their own... and the pro's like it that way.
These five "dirty little secrets" are extremely simple to master (once they are revealed to you)... and yet they INSTANTLY allow you (no matter how butt ugly you think your game is right now) to "lock into" your own personal "Perfect Shot". Which means on your very next game, you will:
- Add 25 to 45+ pins to your game...
- Convert the toughest spares and "unmakable" splits into a one-two punch of sure-shot winners...
- Turn lane conditions into pure, accurate pin action (giving you a dozen new strike opportunities)... and...
- Put you instantly inside the same "Bagger Zone" the best pro's use, to play the most stable, stress-free and deadly accurate game you are humanly capable of!
For your Question Click Here!
sport Tips
The Simple Golf Swing System™
The Simple Golf Swing System™
I've had the opportunity to watch a lot of top pros close up and to talk to them about the game. It was enough to convince me these guys have so much natural ability that it would be almost impossible for the average golfer to duplicate their techniques.
I've also found the same thing to be true with most teaching pros.
It seems they either try to impose their techniques on their students (who lack their ability) or else they recognize this lack of ability and dumb down lessons.
In other words, they don't even try to teach the difficult stuff because the don't think their students can ever learn it.
Now, please don't get me wrong. I've got nothing against teaching pros.
But I have seen a lot of golfers struggling because of the kind of instruction available to them. And I decided to do something about it.
The result: The Simple Golf Swing System. I put it all in one system that breaks it down into five simple steps every golfer can master in practically no time at all. And practically painlessly. (That "no pain, no gain" stuff has no place in my System.)
What makes the System work so well is that you don't have to master all of it all at once. You get one part down and move on to the next. And in a much shorter time than you'd imagine.
For more Detail Click Here!
Get better. Fast.
How much better? With the Simple Golf Swing System- You'll hit the ball straighter and further than you ever hit before.
- You'll hit with greater distance and accuracy every time.
- You'll hit more greens and get the ball consistently close to the pin.
- You'll wonder what ever happened to that awful slice you used to have.
- You'll gain a new outlook on golf with greater confidence in your game. Because you're armed with a proven system that actually works!
- You'll learn the Simple Golf Swing in just three hours.
- You'll lower your score by at least seven strokes within the first two rounds.
- You'll start playing the best golf of your life by week two.
- You'll drop at least 12 strokes off your handicap at the end of two weeks.
- You'll be a different golfer in a month. That old bogey plus golfer that was you will be totally transformed. Just imagine the look on the faces of your golfing buddies.
I've had the opportunity to watch a lot of top pros close up and to talk to them about the game. It was enough to convince me these guys have so much natural ability that it would be almost impossible for the average golfer to duplicate their techniques.
I've also found the same thing to be true with most teaching pros.
It seems they either try to impose their techniques on their students (who lack their ability) or else they recognize this lack of ability and dumb down lessons.
In other words, they don't even try to teach the difficult stuff because the don't think their students can ever learn it.
Now, please don't get me wrong. I've got nothing against teaching pros.
But I have seen a lot of golfers struggling because of the kind of instruction available to them. And I decided to do something about it.
The result: The Simple Golf Swing System. I put it all in one system that breaks it down into five simple steps every golfer can master in practically no time at all. And practically painlessly. (That "no pain, no gain" stuff has no place in my System.)
What makes the System work so well is that you don't have to master all of it all at once. You get one part down and move on to the next. And in a much shorter time than you'd imagine.
For more Detail Click Here!
sport Tips
Transform Your Body (Forever) In 49 Days Flat!
Success Story
"I Lost 137 Pounds! It Changed My Entire Life!"
"I used Tom's BURN THE FAT program to lose 137 pounds, but it also changed my entire life and the life of my family. BURN THE FAT has also helped me achieve emotional, physical and financial goals I never thought possible.
I believe that your success can be traced back to something as simple as desire. Answer one simple question - 'How Bad Do You Want It?' If you want it bad, the battle is on and you can win like I did, you just have to keep that desire fueled."
- Mike Ogorek -
"My Goal Was To Be a "Hot Mom At 40," And I've Achieved It. I lost 23 Kg's and 12.5% Body Fat!"
"I'm a 40 year old mom with 3 children, ages 11, 6 and 4. Before, I was 85 kg and 36.5% body fat, size 40. I was fat, miserable, and my family life and relationship were suffering. I wasn't able to do anything with my kids, I was tired and constantly irritated.
My husband knew someone who did the Burn The Fat programme and it changed his life, so I decided to do it too. I lost 15 kg in 8 months and kept it off. In the next 3 months, because of my desire to be "hot at 40," I took it to a new level. Tom taught me how and I lost another 8 kgs and competed in my first figure/bikini competition." Bonnie VanNiekerk
Your Question Click Here!
health Tips
Persiapan Resepsi Pernikahan
Pernikahan merupakan suatu ritual yang sangat penting dalam hidup seseorang. Pada saat itulah semua daya dikerahkan untuk menghormati saat terpenting dalam hidup sehingga menjadi puncak dari kebahagiaan pengantin.
Dalam menyiapkan acara resepsi pernikahan, para calon pengantin , apalagi bagi mereka yang berdomisili di kota besar, sangat sulit menge lola waktu karena sebagian besar dari mereka bekerja dibidang masing-masing. Ada 2 opsi pilihan dalam persiapan pernikahan, yang pertama menyiapkan acara resepsi oleh keluarga sendiri atau menggunakan jasa yang melayani acara pernikahan. Dalam tulisan ini difokuskan pada persiapan pernikahan pada pilihan menggunakan jasa yang melayani acara pernikahan.
Apabila keputusan sudah diambil akan menggunakan jasa orang lain, masih terdapat dua pilihan yang perlu dipertimbangkan, tentunya dalam hal ini dipengaruhi oleh kemampuan keuangan masing-masing pasangan calon pengantin.
Opsi pertama memanfaatkan jasa Paket pernikahan. Paket ini dinilai lebih praktis, karena semua kebutuhan dalam acara pernikahan sudah diatur dan dikelola oleh sebuah perusahaan penyedia jasa, mulai paket katering, gedung dan perangkatnya, dekorasi, tetapi tidak menjangkau sampai persiapan undangan, pakaian pengantin dan acara diluar resepsi, hanya terbatas pada acara resepsi. Selain itu bila memilih opsi ini, maka paket sudah baku, tidak dapat menentukan /memilih menu makanan, atau dekorasi yang sesuai keinginan secara optimal, kalaupun menginginkan perubahan, akan menambah biaya , karena pihak penyedia jasa akan meminta tambahan yang lebih mahal. Namun dengan keterbatasan biaya, banyak pasangan pengantin lebih memilih opsi ini, karena dianggap lebih prakstis dan ekonomis.
Opsi kedua, menggunakan tenaga Wedding organizer, sebuah perusahaan yang dapat mengatur semua kegiatan pernikahan mulai dari semenjak persiapan , pelaksanaan dan pengakhiran. Opsi seperti ini cenderung dipilih oleh orang yang mampu menyediakan biaya besar atau dapat dikatakan tidak mempertimbangkan dana, demi keberhasilan yang optimal. Pada opsi ini calon pengantin dapat memilih semua kebutuhan dan Wedding organizer yang mewujudkan. Semua pilihan yang diajukan oleh calon mempelai dicatat, menghubungi semua penyedia jasa pelayanan pernikahan dan menyusunnya dalam sebuah proposal untuk disetujui oleh calon pengantin.
Kelebihan lain dari opsi ini karena semua kegiatan dikendalikan oleh penyedia jasa, mulai dari semua konsep acara, penyediaan undangan, pemilihan pakaian pengantin, sehingga semua rangkaian acara , secara keseluruhan dikelola oleh penyedia jasa. Opsi ini akan menghilangkan kekhawatiran akan adanya kekuarngan dalam setiap acara yang dilaksanakan, karena semua sudah dipersiapkan oleh tenaga profesional dibidangnya. Kelemahannya, anda perlu menjadi orang kaya dan banyak uang agar semua biaya dapat anda sediakan.
Gaya hidup
Tips menghemat biaya Dekorasi pada resepsi pernikahan
Dalam acara resepsi pernikahan, pelaminan merupakan pusat perhatian selain pengantinnya sendiri tentunya. Keindahan pelaminan akan terlihat indah bila dihiasi dengan bunga. Akan tetapi saat ini harga bunga sangat mahal, sehingga keinginan menghiasi pelaminan dengan beraneka bunga tinggal kenangan. Namun tidak perlu menjadi putus asa karena setelah dipertimbangkan dan dari pengamatan betapa borosnya penggunaan bunga pada acara pernikahan, dapat diterapkan langkah penting agar dapat menghemat pembiayaan acara pernikahan.
Bunga bukan hal yang menjadi kewajiban bagi setiap resepsi pernikahan, tetapi dapat saja menggunakan kreasi lain yang mungkin lebih menarik, meskipun ada tampilan bunga, dapat memanfaatkan kreasi imitasi yang tidak kalah indah dengan aslinya. Bila terpaksa menggunakan bunga di meja-meja tamu sebagai hiasan, letakkan satu tangkai kuncup mawar dalam vas bunga untuk setiap meja dengan variasi penggunaan lilin bernuansa warna untuk menambah keindahan yang diletakkan dalam ruang secara bervariasi. Pemanfaatan bunga hanya pada yang sangat penting, seperti Buket, dan di Indonesia biasanya untuk korset pengantin pria, ayah dan beberapa anggota keluarga utama.
Penyiapan pelaminan menjadi focus utama, dengan penyesuaian antara pakaian pengantin, bunga hiasan dan penggunaan sinar pencahayan, agar para photografer yang mengambil gambar akan memperoleh hasil yang terbaik. Manfaatkan pohon hias yang indah untuk disekitar pelaminan, atau disekitar tangga pelaminan, atur agar sesuai dengan ruangan dan ornamen pada pelaminan.
Bila ada keinginan mengatur dekorasi sendiri, pillihlah opsi menyewa pohon hias daripada membeli. Tanaman yang disewakan bervariasi, mulai yang kecil, sedang atau cukup besar, sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dekorasi.
Dengan menerapkan perencanaan mengurangi bunga untuk hiasan acara resepsi, akan menghemat sampai 30 % biaya dekorasi dalam resepsi. Selamat mencoba semoga bermanfaat.
Gaya hidup
Sunday, October 3, 2010
gas bahaya
Gas Karbon momooksida adalah sejenis gas yang tidak berwarna, tidak berbau, tidak berasa dan tidak mudah larut dalam air, beracun dan berbahaya. Dapat bertahan selama 1 sampai 5 tahun sesuai kemampuan penyerapan atmosfer bumi.
Sumber gas ini biasanya dari kendaraan bermotor yang pembakaran BBM nya tidak sempurna, sehingga dikota besar lebih banyak kandungan gas karbon momo oksida. Gas ini juga dapat terbentuk secara alamiah sebagai hasil sampingan kegiatan manusia.
Gas CO menjadi masalah karena gas ini dapat mengganggu kesehatan manusia. Manusia dengan aktifitas yang tinggi disekitar lalu lintas kendaraan yang padat merupakan kelompok yang paling beresiko mengalami gangguan kesehatan akibat gas CO. Mereka ini antara lain Polisi lalulintas yang dinas dijalan, menertibkan dan menagtur agar lalulintas kendaraan lancar, petugas retribusi Tol, tukang parkir. Sedangkan yang beresiko dari hasil sampingan kegiatan manusia antara lain para pekerja bengkel kendaraan, industri logam, industri kimia dan industri bahan bakar. Dampak gangguan kesehatan terhadap manusia tergantung ketahanan fisik manusia, namun yang paling sering adalah memperparah penderita gangguan jantung dan paru-paru, kelahiran premature dan berat badan bayi dibawah normal. Gas CO dalam tubuh mengganggu darah mengangkut oksigen, sehingga darah akan kekurangan oksigen yang menyebabkan kerja jantung menjadi lebih berat. Bila manusia menghirup CO berlebihan dalam waktu tertentu akan menyebabkan pingsan, bahkan sampai menyebabkan kematian.
Bagaimana mengurangi dampak timbulnya CO diudara. Pemerintah telah menetapkan batas emisi yang dapat diterima bagi setiap kendaraan. Oleh karenanya para pemilik kendaraan harus merawat kendaraan secara berkala agar kadar gas buang kendaraan memenuhi batas yang diijinkan pemerintah. Atau menambah alat catalytic converter pada sistem pembakaran kendaraan sehingga akan menurunkan kadar CO dari gas buang sampai 90 % , jangan lupa manusia juga tetap harus memperhatikan dan mengatur sistem ventilasi dalam ruangan dengan baik, sehingga terhindar dari gangguan gas CO.
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