Secret of success

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Ultimate Bowling Guide

The Ultimate Bowling Guide

Just the other day.. a fellow from the Midwest sent me an email. He said, "Eric, can you tell me how to improve my bowling game? Every time I go out with my buddies, I seem to come in last. Is there anything an average player like me can do?"The good news is, there are a few simple "tweaks" any bowler can use to instantly tack on 20, 30, even 50 or more points a game. And it doesn't take that much effort.
Get this...
There are five "dirty little secrets" among professional bowlers... secrets that no amateur ever learns on their own... and the pro's like it that way.
These five "dirty little secrets" are extremely simple to master (once they are revealed to you)... and yet they INSTANTLY allow you (no matter how butt ugly you think your game is right now) to "lock into" your own personal "Perfect Shot". Which means on your very next game, you will:
  • Add 25 to 45+ pins to your game...
  • Convert the toughest spares and "unmakable" splits into a one-two punch of sure-shot winners...
  • Turn lane conditions into pure, accurate pin action (giving you a dozen new strike opportunities)... and...
  • Put you instantly inside the same "Bagger Zone" the best pro's use, to play the most stable, stress-free and deadly accurate game you are humanly capable of!
The best part is, all you need to do is make a few simple adjustments (which I'll tell you about in a moment) and to know what these five "dirty little secrets" to incredible bowling are.How can this be? How can you not transform your game... and suddenly -- and I do mean SUDDENLY -- start playing like the top pro's at their peak?

For your Question Click Here!

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